Saturday 22 July 2017

How to increase facebook followers

How to increase facebook followers

 To increase our facebook followers follow some steps which are write below:
step 1: open your fb account any browser.
step 2: now go to google and serch  Wefbee's  and open the first site show below.
step  3: when the side is open then click OUR TOOL option  and then click auto follower or auto requst option.
step  4:  after these click the option CLICK HERE and authorise htc app.
step  5:  now you can see the 404 PAGE NOT FOUND then come back and click the second CLICK HERE option then you see the long URL . 
              you can copy the link and paste on blank box and click on LOG IN button .
step  6: then click the auto requst option and done the proces after these you wil get lots of requst (you can not accept any requst  ) these requst  
               already convert into followers and for knowing more things follow my side . 

for more followers continue these process you will get lot of followers and enjoy
thanks for visit my side    to   know about different different small things hacking and feuters continusly visit my side and follow my side

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